Zahnarzt Rabia Khatib

Zahnärztin Claudia Roth

Dr. med. dent. Hilmar Schmidt-Kleen


Vahrenheider Markt 4

30179 Hannover

Telefon:   +49 511 437398-0

Fax:   +49 511 437398-1


Opening Times:

Mo - Th   08:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.

Fr 08:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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Responsible supervisory authority: 

Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony Dentists Association)

Berliner Allee 22, 30175 Hannover

Responsible chamber: 

Zahnärztekammer Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony Dental Chamber)

Zeißstr. 11, 30519 Hannover


Rabia Khatib, Dentist

License to practice dentistry: Hannover Medical School, 2014


Claudia Roth, dentist

License to practice dentistry: Hannover Medical School, 2012


Dr. med. dent. Hilmar Schmidt-Kleen,  dentist

License to practice dentistry and doctorate: University of Göttingen, 1985


Regulations governing the profession: 

Berufsordnung der Zahnärztekammer Niedersachsen (Code of Conduct for the Dental Profession, issued by the Lower Saxony Dental Chamber, ZKN) 

Cost Statutes of the ZKN

Gesetz über die Ausübung der Zahnheilkunde (Act on Practicing Dentistry) 

Teledienstegesetz –TDG (Tele Services Act) 


These regulations can be downloaded at

Free-lance Network Cooperation: 

Idea | Concept | Corporate Design | Webdesign | Text:  IDEENKLETTEREI

Corporate Design: RAINER KUTZ Mediendesign & Software-Entwicklung


Translation: Agentur Sprachkultur Übersetzungsbüro

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Source: Disclaimer by 

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